Wednesday, November 10, 2010

House Rules by Jodi Picoult

Ok.  So I just finished this book on Monday.  I'd like to say that I didn't even realize I was nearing the end of the book, because I expected so much more to happen.  I'd also say that the end was a bit disappointing.  It had the outcome I suspected, but I felt like it left me hanging.  And I do NOT like that.  For this reason, it doesn't top the favorites list by Jodi.  It will stay at number three.

However, it was still an amazing book, given that I was so absorbed I didn't even realize how close to the end of the book I was!  I also love the way she writes for Jacob.  How he thinks and his reason behind things is so interesting.  It makes one stop and think about things we say that seem so natural to us.  But Jacob being in a literal world doesn't get them.  He explains them well, if you read the book, you'll understand.  It's difficult to put into words.  It's also very interesting to read about his routine being SO important and if it's disrupted he doesn't have the skills to cope.  Like every day of the week has a different color and on that day all the food is that color and his clothes are that color.  And trying to get clothes on Jacob that don't match the color of the corresponding day, makes him have an outburst. 

That's all I will say.  I think if you find that little blurb interesting, you should read the book.  It seems large but it goes by SO quickly.  Especially if you have more time to read than I do these days.  Anyway, I liked the book so much that in the middle of it I decided to put it on our book club list for my next turn (which won't be until March). 

If you read this book I want to know what you think of it, comment! 

Happy reading.  =)

1 comment:

  1. i read this book awhile back and felt very similar to you. the end kind of snuck up on me and it didn't have as much closure as i like! i thought it did a great job of portraying a person with autism's thoughts and life though, clearly it was well researched! i still liked it but i'm not sure i would recommend it to a friend.
