Thursday, December 22, 2011

Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult

Oh my god.  This book was awesome.  It's definitely in my top 3 Jodi books.  It dives right into the story, right into the good part, which I love, because it captivated me from the beginning.  It's about a school shooting and it jumps back and forth in time as it goes through the story which makes it interesting.  You want to know what happens but you have to wait to the get to the point in time in the present when it makes sense to go back into the past to explain what happened there.  Does that sound confusing? 

Anyway, it goes through the story of the shooter and what his life was like in high school, what led him to the day of the shooting, and then there is another twist at the end.  Which I can't believe I didn't figure out until they were explaining it at the end.  I should have seen it coming.  It wraps everything up at the end too.  Which rarely happens in the books I read. 

I would recommend this book, unless you aren't interested in the subject matter.  It's completely 100% based around the shooting.  And of course there is a trial and a side love story that just happens...classic inclusions in Jodi's books.

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