Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult & Samantha Van Leer

The concept of this book is unlike any other I've ever read.  It captivated me.  The book starts out as a story, and then it flips to the girl reading the story that you just read part of.  Where it gets really interesting is that it will then flip to the character that is in the story at the beginning of the book that you've read a part of.  And what it's like for him to be in that story.  And his whole world and looking up at the readers and re-living the same story over and over again.  And it just gets more interesting from there...

Overall I'd say this book is cute.  I plan to buy a copy to have, and I hardly *ever* buy books unless I really *really* like them, so that is saying something. 

Also, it's nice to note that Samantha Van Leer is Jodi Picoult's daughter.  She pitched the idea for this book to her mum and they wrote it together.

I'm really hoping there will be a sequel! 

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